[오토핫키] 압축 및 압축해제 / Zip to File , File to Zip
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
;SmartZip("test.zip", "dir2") ; Unpack a number of ZIP files to dir2
; Support flexible form of parameters
SmartZip("dir2", "testdir.zip") ; Pack the whole folder to ZIP file
;~ SmartZip("*.ahk", "scripts.zip") ; Pack ahk scripts of the working dir
;~ SmartZip("*.zip", "package.zip") ; Pack a number of ZIP files to one
;~ SmartZip("*.zip", "dir2") ; Unpack a number of ZIP files to dir2
;~ SmartZip("*.zip", "") ; Unpack to the working dir
;; --------- THE FUNCTION ------------------------------------
Smart ZIP/UnZIP files
s, o When compressing, s is the dir/files of the source and o is ZIP filename of object. When unpressing, they are the reverse.
t The options used by CopyHere method. For availble values, please refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb787866
SmartZip(s, o, t = 4)
IfNotExist, %s%
return, -1 ; The souce is not exist. There may be misspelling.
oShell := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
if (SubStr(o, -3) = ".zip") ; Zip
IfNotExist, %o% ; Create the object ZIP file if it's not exist.
Loop, %o%, 1
sObjectLongName := A_LoopFileLongPath
oObject := oShell.NameSpace(sObjectLongName)
Loop, %s%, 1
if (sObjectLongName = A_LoopFileLongPath)
ToolTip, Zipping %A_LoopFileName% ..
oObject.CopyHere(A_LoopFileLongPath, t)
SplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath, OutFileName
oObject := "", oObject := oShell.NameSpace(sObjectLongName) ; This doesn't affect the copyhere above.
if oObject.ParseName(OutFileName)
else if InStr(FileExist(o), "D") or (!FileExist(o) and (SubStr(s, -3) = ".zip")) ; Unzip
if !o
o := A_ScriptDir ; Use the working dir instead if the object is null.
else IfNotExist, %o%
FileCreateDir, %o%
Loop, %o%, 1
sObjectLongName := A_LoopFileLongPath
oObject := oShell.NameSpace(sObjectLongName)
Loop, %s%, 1
oSource := oShell.NameSpace(A_LoopFileLongPath)
oObject.CopyHere(oSource.Items, t)
CreateZip(n) ; Create empty Zip file
ZIPHeader1 := "PK" . Chr(5) . Chr(6)
VarSetCapacity(ZIPHeader2, 18, 0)
ZIPFile := FileOpen(n, "w")
ZIPFile.RawWrite(ZIPHeader2, 18)
;; --------- FUNCTION END ------------------------------------
;출처: https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/60706-native-zip-and-unzip-xpvista7-ahk-l/page-2
;윈도우 10 64비트 환경에서 실행해서 테스트 완료.
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